abstract class Dpdk


Crystal bindings to Intel's DPDK

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def _mm_pause #

emmintrin.h pause implementation

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def print_macaddr(port) #

rte_eth_macaddr_get and print

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def rte_errno #

per core rte_errno, use with rte_strerror(rte_errno)

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def rte_eth_tx_buffer(port_id : UInt16, queue_id : UInt16, buffer : ::Pointer(RteEthDevTxBuffer), tx_pkt : ::Pointer(RteMbuf)) : UInt16 #

Buffer a single packet for future transmission on a port and queue

TODO measure performance vs C

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def rte_eth_tx_buffer_flush(port_id : UInt16, queue_id : UInt16, buffer : ::Pointer(RteEthDevTxBuffer)) : UInt16 #

Send any packets queued up for transmission on a port and HW queue

TODO measure performance vs C

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def rte_get_master_lcore #

return master_lcore number

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def rte_get_next_lcore(i : UInt32, skip_master = 1, wrap = 0) : UInt32 #

return next available lcore

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def rte_lcore_count #

return lcore_count

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def rte_lcore_foreach_slave(&block) #


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def rte_lcore_foreach_worker(limit = 32, &block) #

rte_lcore_foreach_slave with worker_id

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def rte_lcore_id #

per core lcore_id

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def rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) : Bool #

check lcore is enabled or not, return boolean

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def rte_prefetch0(p : Pointer) : Void #

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def rte_prefetch1(p : Pointer) : Void #

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def rte_prefetch2(p : Pointer) : Void #

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def rte_prefetch_non_temporal(p : Pointer) : Void #

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def rte_ring_count(r : ::Pointer(RteRing)) #

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def rte_socket_id #

per core socket_id, unavailable on old gcc

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Macro Detail

macro apply_from_si_measure(var, s) #

SI Measure Units (T, G, M, k) to number converter

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macro apply_from_si_time(var, s) #

SI Time Units (s, ms, us) to number converter

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macro b16(x) #

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macro b32(x) #

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macro configure_tx_offload(port_conf, dev_info) #

set txmode.offloads and return txconf pointer

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macro copy32(dst, src, size) #

copy by u32

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macro copy64(dst, src, size) #

copy by u64

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macro distributor_create(cores) #

rte_distributor_create with error handling

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macro ether_addr_copy(ea_from, ea_to) #


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macro fail(*args) #

rte_exit with EXIT_FAILURE

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macro fflush(arg) #


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macro hexdump(name, pkt, pkt_len) #

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macro inet_pton(address, addr) #

inet_pton with buf

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macro inet_pton(address) #

inet_pton equivalent

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macro ipv4(a, b, c, d) #

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macro ipv4x(a, b, c, d) #

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macro ipv6(address) #

inet_pton for IPv6

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macro log_dp(l, t, *args) #

rte_log with log level condition.

TODO fix log level check at compile time

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macro panic(*args) #

rte_panic equivalent without function name

NOTE lots of assembly

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macro pool_create(name, n, cache_size) #

pool creation shortcut with only name, numbers of pool, and cache_size

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macro pool_create(n, cache_size) #

pool creation shortcut with only numbers of pool, and cache_size

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macro printf(*args) #

printf from LibC

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macro puts(args) #

puts from LibC

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macro rte_eal_init(*args) #

rte_eal_init with error handling

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macro rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(call) #

similar to rte_eal_mp_remote_launch without writing proc directly

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macro rte_eal_remote_launch(call, *args) #

rte_eal_remote_launch with automatic proc creation

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macro rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc(*args) #

rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc with error handling

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macro rte_eth_dev_configure(*args) #

rte_eth_dev_configure with error handling

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macro rte_eth_dev_start(portid) #

rte_eth_dev_start with error handling

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macro rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(*args) #

rte_eth_rx_queue_setup with error handling

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macro rte_eth_tx_buffer_size(sz) #


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macro rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(*args) #

rte_eth_tx_queue_setup with error handling

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macro rte_get_timer_hz #

Get the number of cycles in one second for the default timer. using rte_get_tsc_hz, not rte_get_hpet_hz

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macro rte_log(l, t, *args) #

rte_log equivalent

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macro rte_lpm_create(*args) #

rte_lpm_create with error handling

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macro rte_max(a, b) #


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macro rte_min(a, b) #


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macro rte_pause #

rte_pause implementation

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macro rte_pktmbuf_adj(mbuf, len) #

rte_pktmbuf_adj with error handling

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macro rte_pktmbuf_alloc(arg) #

rte_pktmbuf_alloc with error handling

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macro rte_pktmbuf_clone(arg) #

rte_pktmbuf_clone with error handling

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macro rte_pktmbuf_copy(mbuf_old, pool) #

rte_pktmbuf_alloc + memcpy packet data

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macro rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts, nb) #

batch rte_pktmbuf_free

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macro rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m) #

similar to rte_pktmbuf_mtod, but without type parameters, use .as(...) after this

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macro rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, o) #

similar to rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset, but without type parameters, use .as(...) after this

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macro rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(*args) #

rte_pktmbuf_pool_create with error handling

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macro rte_pktmbuf_prepend(mbuf, len) #

rte_pktmbuf_prepend with error handling

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macro rte_rdtsc #


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macro rte_ring_create(*args) #

rte_ring_create with error handling

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macro rte_ring_dequeue_burst(r, obj_table, n, available) #

rte_ring_dequeue_burst with casting to Void**

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macro rte_ring_enqueue_burst(r, obj_table, n, free_space) #

rte_ring_enqueue_burst with casting to Void**

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macro rte_ring_free_count(r) #

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macro rte_ring_lookup(name) #

wait rte_ring_lookup, until success

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macro rte_ring_sc_dequeue_burst(ring, obj_table, nb) #

rte_ring_sc_dequeue_burst with block

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macro rte_zmalloc_socket(type, size, align, socket) #

rte_zmalloc_socket with error handling

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macro signal(signum, call) #

LibC.signal shortcut with automatic proc creation

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macro snprintf(*args) #

snprintf from LibC

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macro to_si_measure(n) #

number to SI Measure Units (T, G, M, k) string converter

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macro to_si_time(n) #

number to SI Time Units (s, ms, us) string converter

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